
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Engagement Dolls from Black Apple Doll Pattern

Meet Little Matt & Little Annette. I wanted to do something special for my sister’s engagement party, but funds were low. I decided to make them little rag dolls from my various scraps. I was fortunate enough to stumble upon a tutorial to make a Black Apple doll. I did not enlarge the pattern the recommended 150%, which may be why I struggled with assembly so much. In the future I will always enlarge the pattern.

To make the boy doll, I inverted the torso so that the wider skirt portion became man’s broad shoulders and the narrower girl shoulders became male hips. It came out well, although I had to re-sew the shoulders several times to get them just right.

To make the clothing I just added a ¼” to the doll patterns torso and arms. Yes, that’s a Utilikilt on my future brother-in-law, not a skirt. I’m not sure how widely their known outside of Seattle, but they are for real and the only distinctive clothing item I knew he wore.

I stitched little hearts to their chest with the others initials embroidered on it to make the engagement/wedding connection.

Overall I was pleased with my first attempt at doll making.

Estimated time 8-10 hours.